Beginning Steps to Host Your Own Webinar

Hosting your own webinar doesn’t have to cost a lot unless you decide to pay for more advanced services. Those worried about the technical aspect can relax. If you have a working web cam, speakers, and a microphone, then you can easily host your own webinar.

Do you feel that you have valuable information to share with your customers and prospects that just won’t feel the same in text format? Perhaps you know about some breaking news happening within your industry that your customers might appreciate knowing firsthand.

Are you live at an event that might change how business is done within your niche?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might want to consider hosting your own webinar. In addition to allowing you to be on the cutting edge of news or change, a webinar allows you to interact with your customers in a brand new way that presents a more personable image.

Much like a virtual conference where you’re the keynote speaker, you can establish your credibility and connect with customers and prospects from around the globe. Best of all, you won’t have to leave your office.

If you already have these things, then you simply need an account at a website like Ustream or Livestream - both of which allow you to host your very own webinars live. If you’d like to do your own webinar, then there are a few simple tips to follow to ensure it’s a success.

If you’ll be treating your event more like a conference, then make sure you send out a notice about your event a few days in advance. Then, the day of the conference, send out one final reminder.

Make sure you account for time zone differences. So, if you live on the West Coast in the United States but the majority of your customer base is located in Japan, then you’ll want to use the time that will be best for your customers. But for those customers who can’t make the webinar, you can record it so they can still access the information later.

Once you’ve chosen the best time for your event, make a few notes about what you’d like to say. Don’t write it out word for word. Just try taking down a few bullet points to help you stay on track during your presentation.

Wait to take questions until the presentation is over. Some people have complained that webinars become diluted by customer interaction and they had to leave before the presentation was completed - and that sucks. We don't want that.

Finally, before hosting your event, find a few friends and do a test run to ensure all of your technology works correctly and you can be heard and seen clearly. Now is the time to troubleshoot for annoying bugs or problems that you don’t want to discover the day of your webinar!

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