Create a Rewarding Blogging Career

Create a Rewarding Blogging Career

The do-it-yourself route is far more rewarding when it comes to blogging. It’s something you can do anytime – in the morning before work, on your lunch hour, after work and on the weekends.

Then when it becomes profitable, you can use it to replace your current income and begin blogging full-time.  When you choose this path, you have much more personal satisfaction in your blogging career.

Blogging is a real business when you start pursuing it for financial reasons.  Yes, it gives you much in terms of happiness – but when you’re making money doing something you love, it’s very rewarding.

You have to do your best to treat this like a business from the very start.  If you start blogging haphazardly, then your readers will recognize that it’s an amateur site.  Yes, some will become fans anyway – but others want to know they’re following a leader in whatever niche you choose to blog about.

How do you pick a niche for your blog?  Some blogs have a multitude of topics – from entertainment to fashion to business to health.  You can do that, but unless you have a team of contributors, it’s hard to maintain the momentum needed for a broad blog like this.

A better option might be to narrow down your focus into something that you really love.  It can still be broad – like a women’s health blog for example.  But it’s not as narrow as “everything” or “health in general” (including both genders).

You can even drill down more and go with one form of women’s health, like menopause or pregnancy.  You don’t even need to be an expert in it – it’s all about sharing information and as you learn, you can share!

One thing that’s important is that you make sure that you love whatever topic you’re blogging about.  You should want to wake up every day, eager to get to your computer.

If you dread it because it bores you or it’s depressing, then you won’t help your readers and the blog won’t become profitable for you.

Aside from the overall slant, you get to choose what each individual entry on your blog is all about.  If you were blogging for another company, they might tell you what to blog about each day – even if you found it mundane.

You can set an entire editorial calendar for your blog where you choose which topics are presented to your readers.  (Personally, I use both an online editorial calendar, and an old school wall calendar.  A bit old school, I still like to see my projects straight in front of me as I go about my day, and project reminders written by my own hand.)  You also get to pick the tone for the blog pieces.

For example, let’s take the diet niche.  You could be a fad and trend diet blogger who emphasizes fast weight loss – or someone who harps on the fact that weight loss should just be the adoption of better nutrition and exercise and the pounds should come off slowly.

From here, I would like to direct you to my post on learning a few ways you can begin to establish a relationship with your readers.  This is so crucial, it is not a step to be missed if you are seriously considering taking up blogging as more than a personal hobby.


  1. This is a very good and informative post. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Yay for online and paper editorial calendars! I use both too! I agree that this really helps with maintaining blog material. I did not start one with the intention of making money, but it sure helps to generate some income. Yes, you are right about the reader relationship being important too!


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