Have you found traditional marketing so distasteful that you often avoid it altogether?
If so, you are not alone. The old paradigm of traditional marketing can feel awful to people like you and me who are committed to living consciously and doing business in an authentic, new way.
Globally-respected change agent Tim Kelley calls this new paradigm of marketing “purposeful marketing” because it is sourced from the highest purpose for your life (or business).
Tim will share key insights from his Purposeful Marketing system, during Making the Shift to Purposeful Marketing: How You Can Increase Your Revenue & Impact with the Right Messaging to the Right Audience.
You can register for this free online event here.
Tim has taught these techniques to thousands of people — from CEOs to coaches. His education in mathematics at MIT, distinguished career in Silicon Valley hi-tech and service as a Commanding Officer in the U.S. Navy, has led to insights that are practical, replicable and reliable, and yet appealing to the heart and soul.
Learn how to make your marketing magnetic, respectful and effective, because it expresses exactly who you are and how you can serve your ideal audience.
Have you found traditional marketing to be unsuccessful, overhyped or so distasteful that you often avoid it altogether?
This is likely because we’ve grown up in a world of marketing based on an old paradigm. Traditional marketing is all about convincing people that they need the thing you are offering. Whether this is true or not is secondary; it’s about generating demand and sales. Period. This old way of marketing often uses psychological tricks and even lies to get the desired results.
In other words, traditional marketing depends on psychological manipulation for the purpose of making money — which can feel simply awful to people like you who are committed to living consciously and doing business in a new way.
The good news is that there’s another way to do marketing that is authentic, powerful, and even generous.
Globally respected change agent Tim Kelley calls this “purposeful marketing” because it is sourced from your highest purpose. It’s about tuning into the clearest, most precise way to describe what you offer, so that it resonates powerfully with exactly the people you are meant to serve.
When you learn how to apply purposeful marketing effectively, it’s like blowing a dog whistle that your ideal customers (what Tim calls your “divine audience”) can hear, even if no one else can. Imagine knowing instantly that a person is meant to work with you, and knowing exactly what to say so that they know it, too!
Because this form of marketing is rooted in who you are and why you’re here, you don’t even need to create it — you receive it! The map to your ideal clients and serving their highest good, AND earning good money at it, is all contained within you. From this core place of truth, you are aligning yourself with the Universe, expanding your impact on global transformation and increasing your income, all at the same time.
By revealing the deeper truth of the transformational value that you provide — especially with precise, purposeful words — you can stand powerfully in your marketing, because you know that you are speaking the whole truth.
In order to do purposeful marketing in a way that actually gets BETTER results than old-school marketing, though, you’ll need to learn some of the specific practices for doing it well (and what NOT to do).
In this illuminating, free virtual seminar, Tim will share key insights from his Purposeful Marketing system.
He has taught these techniques to thousands of people — from CEOs to top coaches. Tim’s education in mathematics at MIT, distinguished career in Silicon Valley high-tech and experience as a Commanding Officer in the U.S. Navy, has led to insights that are practical, replicable and reliable, and appeal to the heart and soul.
In this free event, Tim will open the door into a new way of marketing that is fulfilling, meaningful and inspiring.
You will:
- Discover which aspect of your purpose carries the most impact and attraction for prospective clients.
- Understand why traditional “niching” won’t necessarily help you find the precise “divine audience” that is meant to receive
your services. - Learn how you can position yourself in such a specific way that you have no competition at all.
- Discover two sources of information that can make writing your marketing copy a breeze.
- Identify 3 issues that make pricing your services, and pricing conversations with your clients, much more difficult than they need to be.
- Uncover the key issue that prevents people from being clear in their marketing, attracting their ideal clients, and making money from their higher purpose.
During this exciting free presentation he will open a doorway to a new way of marketing that is more fulfilling, meaningful and inspiring. He’ll share specific practices for doing it well, as well as how NOT to do it.
If you participate, you’ll:
- Discover which aspect of your purpose carries the most impact in so that you can clarify your offer in the right language to attract your ideal clients
- Understand why traditional “niching” won’t necessarily help you find the precise “divine audience” who is meant to receive your services
- Know how you can position yourself in such a specific way that you have no competition at all
- Gain greater confidence in sales, marketing and pricing conversations, because you know you can deliver results
- Increase your skill in generating marketing copy that speaks directly to the right audience
- Align your business persona and marketing with your purpose and true essence
- Save money on copywriters and outsourcing
You can register here.
PS – As you apply this knowledge, you’ll stand powerfully in your marketing because you know that you’ve sourced your message and materials from your purpose and higher guidance. Register now and receive a downloadable replay.
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